Finals Prep and Testing

A ninth grader’s first experience taking final exams will most likely be overwhelming. However, most high school teachers know this and will help make the experience less daunting by setting clear expectations and possibly providing study guides, a set of review questions or even a sample test to familiarize students with the process, especially for the first finals round.
Why It Matters
- It’s good practice for education and training after high school.
If your student is considering attending college or pursuing an apprenticeship, high school finals are a precursor to taking exams for either pathway. - Getting test-ready helps in preparing for situations that cause anxiety.
High school finals are only the beginning of life situations that cause anxiety. Gaining exposure to and experience in relieving anxiety now will pay off in the future.
What Your Student Can Do Now
- Avoid procrastination.
When it comes to studying for exams, procrastination is the enemy. Studying should happen frequently over a period of several days. If it helps, your student can take a brain-power break to have a snack or some screen time – but don’t forget to set a time limit for the break! - Check out the Top 10 Hot Tips for Finals.
There’s a lot of information about studying for finals on the internet, so we gleaned a top 15 list for college students from a U.S. News blog and modified it for a ninth grade student, narrowing the list to 10 tips. Pay close attention to the first four tips about a study schedule.
What Your Student Can Do Later
- Review the study schedule and habits.
Once your student receives final grades, the study schedule can be reviewed to see if the proper amount of time was given to each exam and whether it led to the anticipated result. - Set new study goals.
This is a good time to set goals for spring semester finals and make adjustments to the study schedule as needed.
What You Can Do
- Create a positive study environment.
After discussing with your student, determine the most effective studying area or place and make sure other family members are aware of and respect it. - Don’t forget physical health and wellness.
Proper nutrition and getting the right amount of sleep are key to successful test results.
Next Steps
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